I am absolutely thrilled to announce the above.
As most of you know who know me and have followed my journey since losing my son Christopher to Drowning on August 14th 2006 – This 10th year Anniversary has become a huge milestone for me. I wanted to make a difference – an impact – something that would make people of ALL ages and disabilities aware of how to be safe in open water.
This year I will have reached OVER 200.000 young people and adults telling my story of how Christopher drowned and supporting on a National basis our emergency services. It has been an overwhelming year of achievement for me both professionally and personally in many ways – introducing CPR education into my work will and has already made a difference. Working with my new sponsors Cemex and with both National and International Drowning Prevention agencies. The work I can now do with The Welsh Bacaulaureate in schools has opened up many more avenues.