River and Sea Sense Sponsors
Thank you all so much for your continued support both personally and professionally.
If you would like to be a Sponsor – ie offer your product or service or financial support please contact Debbie Anne Turnbull on [email protected] or contact us via the contact form. We have just released a range of products that help to recognize the good work from companies that wish to support us and our courses.
Covid19 in 2020 was devastating for RASS – we were unable to facilitate our much requested workshops and educational assemblies.
However it did have a positive effect on how we were to diversify and it is hoped become more sustainable in the future by setting up RASS Online.
With this in mind we would like to offer the opportunity for Business and individuals to offer their support by sponsoring their local school to enable us to offer access to the RASS online training.
You can sponsor your local Primary/Junior school for £100 and Senior Schools for £150
Please email [email protected] for further discussion.

Emrys ap Iwan School

Eirias High School



Conwy Voluntary Services Council



Livetech designed this site for us.
River and Sea Sense Corporate Support PR Packages
River and Sea Sense Corporate Support PR Packages
We very much rely on donations to carry on our important safety education and awareness work. Below we have put together a couple of packages to facilitate recognition of your generous donation and share the well deserved news!
River and Sea Sense continues to be in the news with the proactive courses, schools visits and developing high profile, public projects such as the recent SafetyMap initiative supported by the Nominet Trust.
Package 1
Designed to recognize your work with River and Sea Sense.
a) Press Ready Photo
A press ready photo at your place of work or River and Sea Sense offices, with key River and Sea Sense staff and your team. This can be used for various purposes by River and Sea Sense or your for own internal/external publicity use.
b) Press Release
A press release written by River and Sea Sense, with key company and River and Sea Sense messages. Press release sent out to selected local editors for inclusion in newspapers (we have excellent relationships with the local and regional press). River and Sea Sense cannot guarantee inclusion but will back up this work with other well developed online/offline methods, see below.
c) Social Media Awareness
Blog Post with Press Release (optimized for search engines for your company name searches), ‘follow’ hyperlink to your web site, Facebook Status Update (linking to blog post) and Tweet with mention and link.
d) Framed Certificate
Certificate of thanks and acknowledgement for support in quality frame. Looks really fabulous in your reception area!
e) Web Site ‘Badge’
Permission to use a “Web Site Badge” as proud supporter of River and Sea Sense 2012 -13 on your own website.
Suggested Donation – £500 +
Your generous donation will allow River and Sea Sense to continue the valuable water safety education work, through school talks, awareness events and use of online and offline media assets.
Package 2
As Package 1 above, additionally with further media and sponsorship opportunities, as below.
Video Content
a) Professional web ready video with Debbie personally thanking the sponsor, includes company logo and pulling in still company publicity photo shots and from press release.
Company contact details included and web address.
Upload of video to River and Sea Sense Youtube Channel
Inclusion of video in social media awareness.
b) Opportunity to Sponsor a Named Course or Safety Sign
In additional to the important awareness work we do, there are opportunities to run special events, courses and put in safety signage.
c) Web Banners
Your web banner shown in rotation on the River and Sea Sense and Safetymap Websites, Link to your website.
Suggested Donation – £1000 + (depending on course/s supported)
Contribution at this level allows us to put in place specific named courses and awareness resources. These all contribute to greater enjoyment of the outdoors, active lifestyles and saving young lives.
Payment Methods
We understand that while companies want to support good causes they have to work around business needs, as a result we are happy to accept donations by standing order. Payment in full is always appreciated of course, as it allows our good work to be applied as quickly as possible.
Did You Know?
That £65 pays for one young person to do a Waterwise Course, £150 covers the cost of a school presentation/lesson which could address from 48 to 1400 students at any one time.